
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

At Last There is Some Authoritative Text on Museum Governance for Australia

At long last there is an authoritative text on museum and collection governance issues written for Australian situations. Shane Simpson's "MUSEUMS & GALLERIES COLLECTIONS LAW" is virtually a one stop shop on the issues confronted by most museum and collection trustees et al.

In 1982 Shane Simpson wrote "The visual artist and the law" which ever since has been the authoritative text on the subject. In fact it can be claimed that this book has in one way or another had a positive impact upon, and has changed, the ways in which artists are able to manage their practices.

Shane Simpson has an impressive CV. Notably, in 1983 he founded, and was the first director of, the Arts Law Centre of Australia. All in all. for near on 30 years Shane Simpson has not been very far away from the cutting edge of professionalism in cultural production in Australia. Apart from being the primary contributor to Collections Law: Legal issues for Australian Archives, Galleries, Libraries and Museums, Shane Simpson is the initiator of the project and primary author of the text it includes.

Shane Simpson has lectured extensively on the law relating to intellectual property, new technology, publishing, visual arts, music and museums. He has written or edited numerous books including: Music Business, Museums and Galleries: a Practical Legal Handbook, The Visual Artist and the Law in Australia, Discovery and Interrogatories, Music – The Business and the Law, and numerous articles in both Australian and international periodicals.

If you are looking for an authority on museum practice and the law, right now, Shane Simpson must the pre-eminent authority in Australia.

Some useful links: